Lowell, Massachusetts Update
Our God is an awesome God!
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The weather trend had been hot & humid with rain
threatened... up until today! God gave us an
incredible day, with the temperature dropping all day
from possible mid 70's up until 10am and currently a
mild 65degrees at 5pm!
The New Challenge Men's Home & Justice House of Prayer
in the Lowell area provided a small army of volunteers
to unload the truck & load up the receiving agencies
who arrived for the cleaning supplies & paper goods
that were on this truck from Utica, NY. There is
still a need for food and we are still waiting to hear
from some of our other partners who can possibly
provide another truck this week.
Somebody Cares New England (SCNE) has partnered with a
large local charity organization for the use of their
receiving dock to facilitate the unloading of these
supplies. The last agency from Derry, New Hampshire
arrived just in time to keep us from having to load
everything up in the 'lovingly used' Box Truck to
evacuate the loading dock today. Our prayer is that
each agency is able to benefit the needy people
recovering from this devastation. Finances are needed
as we seek to provide deliveries of resources from
around the country. Anything you give financially to
the heart of this effort is immediately used to impact
lives, both here in the New England Area as well as
the newly existing needs in the Indonesian communities
affected by last week's earthquake and pending
volcanic activity. Please consider coming alongside us
in this opportunity to be a blessing and in the midst
of tribulation to have an occassion for our testimony.
In the middle of all this, Marlene Yeo, director of
SCNE is still having to manage significant issues in
her family life. Please pray for Divine Wisdom as she
makes decisions which God can use to bring the Church
to the frontlines of Service delivery and the place
where hurting hearts can find Hope and know that
Somebody Cares.
And now for a 'warm fuzzy' moment (as Pastor Doug
likes to share with us)... As we were loading a truck
today, a young couple walked by pushing a stroller and
asked if the supplies were for flood victims. I
assured them that they were, and they said "Good,
because we lost our home and are up next on a list to
receive a place to live." As they walked away, I felt
the Holy Spirit kick-starting me into gear and I
chased them down and introduced myself to Dave & his
wonderful family. We prayed there on the sidewalk, and
Dave's expression was much different after we prayed
as he walked away encouraged. If the Lord places this
couple on your heart, let's agree that they have the
opportunity to have a wonderful relationship with
Jesus and know that Somebody Cares.
En Cristo,
Max & Somebody Cares America
(I feel your prayers! We're in this together!)