
Cuando, Cuando, Cuando... Open, Open, Open!

Apple Woodlands
Originally uploaded by rmaxt.
Grand Opening of the New Woodlands Apple Store

The last(first) time I stood in line at a store before it opened, was to pre-order the ps2 for my kids for Christmas time. Had never done that before, and I have to say there was a sense of community in the 'gamers' that were there. We had a good time.... it's different this time. I thought I would find more in common with all these 'Mac Heads'. Maybe the prob is that 95% of them are from 'up nawth', not 'Nawf Side.' There was a definite line at Best Buy that night, and we even wrote up a list to be able to relax a little. Here, it's just a loose gathering... all tense... no friendly greetings... and I'm getting nervous... what if i get pushed to the side in the feeding frenzy and don't get one of the 'First 1000 Customer' t-shirts!!!!

At least I have my wife's permission to be here....

....gotta go ... they're mobbing!!!

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