
The Peace Tree Project

Commemorative Plaque!
Originally uploaded by rmaxt.
The Peace Tree
It's trunk symbolizes our established foundation,
because what we desire first is our education.
It's branches which extend and reach,
Demonstrate each teacher's ambitions to enlighten and teach.
It's fresh green leaves are our power and goal,
And show we can all get to the top if we are productive and believe in our heart and soul.
As the tree grows, we grow, and as it works diligently to reach the sky,
We work excessively to score extremely high.
In the future we can all examine this tree and reminisce,
on our existence and achievements we have made on our school,
and as this tree puts forth effort to make new emerald leaves,
We too will prosper and flourish a new level of skills, knowledge and excellence.

by Erika Jaimes

1 comment:

VizCast said...

For a job well done.........
