
Low Performance..

Without apologizing, simply informing, I want to make sure I direct any visitors to meaningful input at the links over here on your right.
Especially take a look at the postings from Chris Brooks, Jeremy Del Rio, Rudy Carrasco & John Liotti .

Max -the Fat Boy-


RMaxT said...

I love my new job! Wheatley High School is like a blast from the past with just a few new twists. I am extending an invitation to any of my friends in the Houston Area who would like to come and have a chance to impact High School students on just about any & every area you can imagine.


John Liotti said...

I guess the Harley has replaced the love in your heart that used to be for your blog! Keep the chrome side up, Max!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Johnny.... one of the few frustrations in my day is that I have to actually be working and can't find a reason to be in the saddle! (thanks for reminding me - I gotta get that crome shined up for my ride this Saturday. Where? I don't know, it don't really matter does it.)