

Because I believe that Christians should uphold righteousness at every opportunity, I want to STRONGLY encourage you to visit Snopes.com to validate any of the politically charged messages that you consider forwarding. It is important that Christians not be perceived as gullible purveyors of information that is NOT TRUTH. I believe it is serious to have to choose our candidates wisely, and I believe that the People of God are going to have a wonderful opportunity to support righteousness. As I read Chris Brook's posting on a Prophetic Word, I am even more convinced that is so. I am attaching the MODIFIED text to accentuate the use of inflammatory rhetoric that many are going to use, but this is not a defense or railing against any candidate at all. Your choice is yours alone, and your convictions must be reflected in your choice. -RMaxT

----- Original Message ----
To: Houston Area
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2008 12:15:15 PM
Who is [candidate]?
We checked this out on "snopes.com". It is factual. Check for yourself. http://snopes.com/
[obviously, they didn't check anything out]
Probable U. S. presidential candidate, - blah blah blah - born in Honolulu , Hawaii , to - blah blah blah - MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya - blah blah blah - a white ATHIEST from Wichita , Kansas . - blah blah blah - two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya . His mother then married - blah blah blah - RADICAL Muslim from Indo nesia. - blah blah blah - 6 years old, - blah blah blah - relocated to Indonesia . - blah blah blah - attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta . He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

- blah blah blah - is a Muslim. - blah blah blah - also attended Catholic school. - blah blah blah - introduced his stepson to Islam. - blah blah blah - enrolled in a Wahabi school . - blah blah blah - politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN - blah blah blah - has joined the United Church of Christ - blah blah blah - DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran. - blah blah blah - will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance - blah blah blah -

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