
Trail of Hope Report

From: Chuck Harper <cncharper@msn.com>
Date: July 7, 2008 8:10:13 AM CDT

Trail of Hope - Durango CO


Thanks so much for praying - and for making this year's Trail of Hope Conference such a success.  Your prayers were heard, and God did answer. 
 We are so grateful for the many who prayed, many who gave financially,  all those who helped that couldn't come,  and the incredible army of volunteers who came and served so graciously at the event.   It couldn't have happened without you!!!

We are basking in the afterglow, and counting many blessings.   It is most encouraging to continue to hear so many wonderful stories and testimonies about how God was and still is at work. 
The facts:  We had 186 people registered for the conference.  At least 20 others were day commuters from nearby reservations;   and at least 200 more come to the evangelistic outreach on Sunday night.   They represented at least 20 Native American Nations, many came from Canada, and we were honored with a special delegation from Australia. 

We know of at least 50 commitments that were made at the event.   Some were first time commitments to Christ- others were for re-dedications,   many responded to the closing challenge to be available for world missions.  

Our theme came from Deuteronomy 10:12 - where God's people were told what God expects- to FEAR, FOLLOW, LOVE, and SERVE Him.   We were so encouraged that so many told us that they never looked at a verse in so much detail and that understood what God wants us to do. 
Only eternity will tell if our objectives for the conference were met.   But from our evaluation forms, and the stories we hear,  YES - it was an overwhelming success!!! 
-          This provided an opportunity for corporate worship for students to know and embrace Jesus!
-          This provided the platform for fellowship, unity, and ministry development among youth leaders in Native America - so that more Native Kids would embrace Jesus!
-          Students and leaders would understand their identity is in Jesus!
-          Barriers of isolation were broken
Here are a few most memorable moments and stories we have heard:
·          One parent called the day after - telling us that she sent a boy - and a young man came home.  In her words, "the Holy Spirit was glowing all about him.   He is changed!   Thank you for Trail of Hope!   I know that our son is in better touch with God and with who he is as a native person".
·         Another e mail today says, "Thanks for trail of hope.   My life has been changed.  I will remember to Fear, Follow, Love, and Serve God all my life".
·         A youth leader says, "This conference has brought life back into these old bones".
·         A youth leader says, "I was ready to quit- and I am going home with renewed energy to keep going with my youth ministry".
·         A youth leader said, "I learned so much from the time with Monte at the Youth Leader breakfast,   I can't wait to get started with all the new ideas I learned."
Thank you again for helping make TRAIL of HOPE a reality.  Please keep us in prayer as we do all the follow-up with the students and youth leaders.    We are also still finalizing our finance report and paying the last bills.   We don't know exactly just yet where we stand until later this week,  but we know that it appears that God has provided for all our needs.  AMEN!!!!  
Thanks so much for walking this journey with us!!!  
On the trail together,

Chuck and Cindy Harper

If you would like to see some pictures - hit reply - and watch for some on the trailofhope.us web site later this week.   
Christ for Native Youth Network | PO Box 67677 | Albuqerque | NM | 87193

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