
Course Correction... It's Your Call

You may have heard the illustration told before... I enjoyed the video version as well.

In the impetuousness of free-will, I have seen children and adults alike refuse to make corrections based solely on their self-perception. I often quote the tribal adage, "If you want to go fast, travel alone. If you want to go far, travel together." There is wisdom in counsel. (read that somewhere in a very old book) Let us not be misled by our own self-deception.


Prayer Zone

Originally uploaded by Paradise 2008.
I have yet to see a news report on Paradise '08.

Please leave links in the comment section below.... thanks!


Originally uploaded by Paradise 2008.
I wondered if anyone had gone to Kansas during the inclement weather this past weekend. I found their Flickr account today.

Q: Did you have go, or have any plans to go?

Beware of God


Latina Expo '08

The event was phenomenal!!
My pictures don't do any justice - I will post another link as soon as I get access to better shots.



Your toolbelt to Successful Community-Based Youth Ministry

This Saturday at UYWI08 in Azusa was encouraging... exhausting, but well worth the investment of time.
My session was at 8:30am, and only 2 people were in there at the gate - but then about a dozen people were taking notes and dialoguing by the end of the 80 minutes. Some even shared later that this was dialogue was exactly what they were looking for and came to the room only after being turned-away at another classes overflowing session.
I wanted to put this overview of the 40 Developmental Assets (QT version) from the (Search-Institute.org) that I feel is a great framework for our society to wrap around the developing lives of children today.
Stay in touch with the UYWI site for the upcoming downloads/podcasts/sessions that will be available for free (others available as a purchase).
Put it on your calendar for next May, 2009 if the Lord says the same!!
as L.Acosta would say, "Peace Out, Dog."