
I think, therefore I am.  At least I think I am... I think

Well, I just sat down in a wi-fi spot for the first time in many months. I am driving my Hero's car now - on a rainy day - just because I have that flexibility/option on a rainy day in Houston. My pops has a nice little 4-door 5-speed little Hyundai that is nearly as economical as my 2003 Fatboy. His car is what I am driving now between Houston & San Antonio.

I showed up at a local coffee shop that supports the arts and am sitting in the midst of a NALIP (out of L.A.) meeting. Latino film production and film making and the arts have a Houston Face. The crowd is mostly 20-somethings directors, movie-makers, composers, and producers that is headed mostly by a few graying (some bound in ponytail) heads.

The ambience is wonderful and encouraging. I hope that one day I will look back to this accidental/providential night and say, "I remember that young producer's name from that rainy night in the East End of Houston."

I digress from my original purpose for stopping in to blog... and as I go back to my mental drudgery, I hope that your day has been filled with moments of time where you have found yourself pondering your opportunities and how to overcome your challenges.

I'm grateful for this venue of WorldWideWeb-presence to post the ramblings of One Man's Dream.

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