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Well... what do I say... what a week...! quite a few meetings, campus visits, organizational changes, and self-diagnoses. I took one of those on-line tests that just affirmed my thought regarding... i need help!! without being tooooo transparent on this column, suffice it to say that thought patterns do not always line up with reality in my life. I guess i can take comfort in the fact that even if noone reads this, it is cathartic to express 'one's self.'
We (as humankind) should practice expressive thought more often. As children we are encouraged too, but our busy lives sometimes schedule those types of activities away. If you are still in the habit, don't lose it. If it has been a while, revive it. As S. Covey says, "Sharpen the Saw."
The best part of this week was during the Master Gardener volunteer time when several of us entered a discussion regarding "The REAL problem with young people." I will probably get expressive later on, but in a one-word answer it is the "FAMILY."
Giga Bendiciones!
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When I read Gordon MacDonald's article... using the spaghetti test... this stuck:
From my (Gordon MacDonald's) journal: Being a frequent flyer makes it possible for me to get a seat in the exit row on most airline flights. Great leg room. But with privilege comes responsibility.
The flight attendant comes up, kneels by my aisle seat and says, "Have you read the instruction card that tells you how to open the door in the case of emergency? I need a verbal answer."
I fudge the truth a bit and say yes when the truthful answer is no. I mean, does it take a rocket scientist to know that you simply swivel the handle and push the door out and to the side? So I tell her yes, I've read the card.
But she's smart. She says, "If an emergency happens, I'll be depending on you to open that door. Dozens of other people will also be relying on you, too. So are you sure you know what's on that card?"
Suddenly, she has my attention.
It occurs to me in that insightful moment that this is not unlike the way some people respond to sermons (mine anyway). You build a talk with the notion that people really need a particular idea. But are they listening (have they read the card)? Will they know how to "open the door" if something in life goes wrong? Too often it seems as if the church crowd nods their heads—"I've read the card"—but blow the test when crunch time comes. A relationship turns sour; health breaks; a job is lost; an ugly thing happens, and they panic, blame God, get mad, leave. And in the middle of the chaos, with people lined up behind them, they cry out, "How do you get this door open?"
In my reverie, I hear the flight attendant calling out, "Read the card, stupid!"
I really do read those cards now.
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who turned out the lights yesterday?
oh yeah... i know.
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Well... we seem to be into the 3rd Coast Winter.... dark, dreary days. But it's warm inside, if you planned ahead! I was able to sit at a phone all day today and answer questions regarding: growing deer food, pear killing beetles, tree killing moss and a whole lot of soil testing. It's part of a 'First Responder Program' called Master Gardeners. I enjoy studying plants and stuff, but I really need to do it to learn it better. I guess I need to go an plant a garden... whadaya say?
Enjoy the day! rmaxt
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Congratulations Adrian! The City Council and Mayor were sworn in today at Herman Park's Miller Theatre. Our new Mayor Bill White had a pretty lucid speech that spoke of the new era of 'the Common Folk.' I pray that this next term in our city's government is characterized by cooperation in our communities.
Remember those notes I was looking at? Well, tonight I met a man whose name I had not thought of in at least 10 years! Yesterday I picked up some notes where we worked with Dr. Reginald Klimionok, and tonight I saw him at my niece's birthday party. The visits from the past began earlier today when I saw Officer K. J. It has been several years since the last time. Now I know we will be able to work together in the community on many different programs again. Welcome Back, K.!
Well... it's been a wonderful week at home with the family. Lotsa little (and big) projects got done this week that have been years in the waiting! Thank you TBoyz! (and D!) Lub ya lotz!
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Well, Happy New Year! Feliz Ano Nuevo! Did it just sneak in for you, or is it just me? I know with the years, time just blurs together... but I have noticed how 1992 & 3 have been popping up in my thoughts all day. That was some busy years, 10 years ago... What did I learn, do i wanna work hard, or smart? i guess economy of motion is important as time goes by. like the old David Carridine/Kung Fu program used to (slow mo) show as the bad guys would rush in pell-mell and get clotheslined by a serene, swooping arm that showed stability in a low stance and deliberate motion. God, help me to lower my center of gravity closer to the Rock, and choose my battlefields to be close to you... every day, all day!
I have been looking at the notes I wrote 10 to 15 years ago regarding the deliberate replication of ones vision and ethics. I hope I have done that to a certain level, but I would say that I missed it to a great degree. If you are reading this, you are welcome to opine regarding discipleship/mentoring, but I would say that one of the pitfalls to a large program is lack of direct time with only a select few [i.e. Jesus and 12 progeny]. Looking back at the experience of 26 years, with most of them in a direct instructional role, I would suggest choosing 5 to 10 clear objectives. Then train and assign a team of at least 2 to each task. [remember the principle of 2-deep leadership (ask about this if you're not sure)].
Well, Friday the 2nd will be a busy day in the life of 2004 in the City of Houston. Gonna go and support one of my friends, A.G., in his new role. I look at the opportunities that this new year will offer. Lord, give me wisdom and direction to step in those that are the appropriate ones.
... Glad to be alive!
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