
Agustín Garza Palacios - 18 años

Agustin was a colleague of my youngest son, Erik. Saturday morning he graduated with the 50th graduating class of Aldine High School - Class of 2007. That Memorial Day weekend he traveled to San Nicolás de los Garza, in the area of Monterrey, Mexico where he unfortunately made the local newspaper.

After a 15th Birthday (Quinceañera) celebration for a young lady he was assaulted by a group of young men and stabbed 4 times, wounding him mortally on Sunday, March 28, 2007.

I am sad that my son has lost a classmate so early in their quest for a future. It is even more saddening that this was for such a small thing, definitely not worth his life.

What can you say to your children each time they walk out the door to visit friends, or spend time with their peers? Is this the type of conflict resolution skills that this generation will use to resolve issues in their life? How can we help them?

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